Monday, October 29, 2012

That Time I Said I Wasn't Going To NaNo But Then Changed My Mind

I know, I know, I really need to work on a shorter blog post title. But honestly, it sums up what happened so perfectly I wouldn't change it if I could.

I really wasn't going to NaNo this year, especially with revisions draining my time, but then the idea came to me. The shiny bling-bling of a new story that keeps blinding your eyes. And, I'll confess, I can't resist anything shiny. So I gave in and am joining the NaNo ranks of 2012. What is my goal for this year? For those of you who weren't around last November, all I wanted was to get to 25,000 words, half of the NaNo goal. This year I'm going to shoot for 50,000. I don't want to go into too much detail about the plot of my new story, but I'll give you a hint- Pirates. If any of you are also going to NaNo it up, please let me know, I'm prernapickett over there. I hope all of you who are and aren't going to NaNo are successful with whatever goals you may be aiming for in the month of November. Here's a happy November to all of us!


  1. I did the same thing last year, only I didn't decide to join until two days after NaNo started. That made the pressure a little higher. You can do it!!

  2. I'm doing NaNo too!

    jadeharpy on the NaNo forums :)

    Woo-hoo! PIRATES!!!!!

  3. I think it's a good decision, and I like pirate stories. Good luck!

  4. Gotta love shiny new ideas! :) Good luck with NaNo!

  5. WOOT! Now I can sing "We're all in this together" without getting judgy-eyes! So proud of you, Prerna! You can do it!

  6. Haha well, sometimes shiny things can lead to awesome places. Congrats on going for it and good luck!

  7. Good luck with NaNo! And yes, revisions are very time consuming but in the end, it makes the story better! You can do it and never give up :)

  8. Woo-hoo! Good luck! I wasn't going to do NaNo either, but I, too, am a victim of a shiny new story idea.

  9. So exciting! Best of luck!! I'm not doing NaNo but will be cheering you on :) I know you can meet (and exceed your goal)!

  10. Ooooh good luck! I'm not doing NaNo this year, but I'll cheer you on :-)
