Friday, October 12, 2012

Five for Friday

1. Today's the last day to enter the Girl of Nightmares contest. If you're interested click HERE.

2. I've been out of town since Wednesday visiting family and as much as I love seeing everyone, the hotel bed is doing a number on my back. I feel so old typing that.

3. Lots of revising got done this week. I'm 3/4 of the way done and had a breakthrough with a chapter I've been struggling with for a while. Such a relief.

4. Halloween is just around the corner and I have yet to get my butt in gear to get my kids their costumes. 6 yo wants to the Hulk while the 4 yo would like to be the Thing (the guy from Fantastic Four). My girls don't really care (especially my 6 month old) which makes it more difficult to find something for them. Should be interesting.

5. With the cold settled in and the air crisp with the smell fallen leaves I am starting to crave hot chocolate more and more. In fact, I might go make myself some right now.

Have an awesome weekend!


  1. Hot cocoa does sound good! I know what you mean about those hotel beds. blah! I think I'm getting old too. I have no idea what to dress my baby in either, I might be scrambling for something the night before!

  2. I'm drinking hot cocoa right now. :)

    Congrats on your writing breakthrough!

  3. Wow! Congrats on getting 3/4 of the way done!

    ...last year I helped out my very frazzled sister by making a t-rex head (scary, not cute) for my nephew's costume. Even though it's still work, costumes are always really fun ;)

  4. Amazing job on the revisions! It's so nice to see that MS get whipped into shape. And, uh, good luck with the costumes!

  5. I saw some very adorable Where The Wild Thing costumes at Pottery Barn kids. You should check them out. Glad to hear about your breakthrough.
