Monday, September 26, 2011


Sorry I didn't do the usual Five for Friday last week, but I severely lacked energy. I spent most of this weekend curled up on the couch thinking about writing. Not.Fun. And the sad part is last Thursday was my hubby's birthday. In case you're wondering, we didn't do much celebrating. We're postponing any kind of celebration until I feel better. All I have to say is I better be normal by Thanksgiving, or I might just lose it. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, mainly because of the food, but I'm especially excited this year because we might be in LA celebrating! Actually, I hope I'm better by Halloween, I don't want to be miserable while my kids are out trick-or-treating with their cute little selves (and I want to be able to sneak some of their candy). What else happened this weekend? Our college football team is ranked in the top five of the nation and so my husband went to the home game on Saturday (as part of his birthday present), he has season tickets. Now I know some of you may be thinking, who leaves a poor pregnant woman suffering from morning sickness with three kids for the better part of the night? Well, my husband more than made up for leaving me. Our refrigerator was lacking some important components (like food) because I can't stand to go the store, what with all those different smells melding together, it's a recipe for disaster. So, my hubby went shopping for me. And then yesterday he even made dinner! I was pleasantly surprised. I honestly can't remember the last time his version of dinner wasn't going to a drive through. Confession: when my husband and I were dating and first married, he did ALL the cooking. I knew that if I gave it a try I would succeed, how could I not with two parents who are gifted in the culinary department, but it was nice having him take care of it. Then when I got pregnant and was so sick I could no longer work, I took over the kitchen reins. I am no gourmet chef, but I think over the years I have really bloomed as a cook.

Okay, enough of my rambling that has nothing to do with writing, which is the point of this blog. I'll be back on Wednesday (or maybe even tomorrow...the suspense is going to kill you!) to share a contest I recently discovered. I'm also going to attempt the new Campaign Challenge, but with my lack of brain function, that might be the equivalent of me trying to climb Mount Everest. We'll see. Thanks for sticking with me you guys, I promise I'll try to write far more interesting things than my pregnancy turmoil from here on out. Hope all of you had a wonderful, productive weekend!