Wednesday, November 23, 2011

NaNo Update and Gratitude

18,779 words so far! I'm hoping to get to 25,000 before the end of the month. I don't think that's a far fetched goal at all.

With Thanksgiving tomorrow (Yikes!) I wanted to write out a list of some of the things
I'm grateful for. Even though you may not celebrate it, I don't think it's ever a bad time to just be thankful for all that you have.

First off, my family. I love my husband and children for putting up with all of my imperfections (and there are many). They accept and love me for who I am. And my husband continues to encourage me in this crazy writing thing, even if it doesn't amount to anything except heartache. And my extended family is pretty great too! I have parents who love and encourage, as well as in-laws who do the same!

I'm thankful for my imagination. If i didn't have anything going on up north, then i wouldn't have ideas for stories. I love making up a brand new world of impossible possibilities.

For the writing community I discovered this year. You all are so kind and welcoming. It's nice to know that I'm not alone. If I ever need any encouragement, you guys are there, ready to comment away!

For all those materialistic and technological things I enjoy : my home, clothes, food, that my husband is able to provide for our family during these tough times around the world and the economy. Air conditioning during the summer, and heat during the winters, my washer and dryer, my microwave and oven. So MUCH More.

And for books! They inspire me,and push me to do my best (much like you guys). I love curling up on the couch with a blanket and a good book to keep me company. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, it's like heaven.

What about you guys, what are you thankful for?

And of course for the simple things in life


  1. Hey there,
    I think 25,000 words is a great goal! And definitely not at all out of reach for you. That was my goal, too--but a lot of stuff's been happening recently, so I'm at about 17,000. Hopefully, we'll both make it lol! Also, like you said, I'm thankful for so many things: my family, my health, my ability to deflect negativity and find the positive (most of the time ;)), that I get to see my papa this year. Just so many, many things! I hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and best of luck with your NaNo goals!
    Ninja Girl

  2. I'm grateful for books, and writers, and blogging buddies! I am grateful for a day to spend with "family". Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

  3. I think 25,000 words is a good goal. There's no reason a first draft has to be long. You'll just end up scrapping most of it anyway. Good luck, and I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving!

  4. Well done with the wordcount, Prerna.

    Even though we don't celebrate Thanksgiving in the UK, I'm grateful for similar things to you - my lovely family, and the fact we are all healthy. Also, for realising my ambition to write a book, and the whole new chapter in my life that has opened!

  5. good luck with your word count. I hope you hit it.

    great looking blog, by the way.

  6. Wonderful things to be thankful for! And congrats on all the writing!

  7. Oh, I love this. I love thankful posts and I agree with you 100% - we need to take time to be thankful or we're letting everything slip by. Lovely.
