Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Nano Update 3

Sorry about no blog post yesterday. But I was having one of those days, where reality becomes all too real. Life is hard, and it only seems to get harder. I'll admit I shed a few tears, because sometimes crying is the best medicine. Then I wiped them away and put on my big girl panties and told myself to get over it. It may be hard right now, but it'll get better. No, this had nothing to do with my ventures in writing, it was just life telling me to suck it up and deal with it. But I am in a better place and I've been writing. My word count is now at 10,246. I'm proud of myself for moving on. Life is still very real, but it's so nice to have a way of escaping. I love that about writing. The ability to get away to the world you've created in your own head. If nothing else, at least I have my writing. But I'm lucky because that's not the only thing keeping me going. I have a wonderful family and awesome friends. Life is good. The word count hasn't vastly improved since last week, like I had predicted, but it's better than nothing! And I'm way more motivated to get more done. Yesterday I worked on a scene that reminded me why I fell in love with this story in the first place, and felt so strongly about writing it. I'll be back to share a few pictures of what inspired the NaNo project. Other than that, hope all of you participating are typing away at that big 50,000 number. And to everyone else, good luck with any projects you may be working on. Have an awesome day. And please, if life gets to be too much, don't be afraid to cry. It does help...a little.


  1. I so know what you mean about those days. I had one yesterday too - it was hard. But we have to go on and keep writing! :)

  2. Sometimes you just have to get it out. Sorry you had a bad day, and I hope your week gets better. Way to go with your word count!

  3. Hope things turn around for you. Writing is always a great escape and there's nothing wrong with having a good cry!

  4. I hope things look up for you soon. Good for you with the word count! :)

  5. Good luck with NaNoWriMo, Prerna! You can do it! :)

  6. From time to time we all have those days :) I hope you feel better.
    Interesting blog!
