Monday, December 19, 2011

My Organizational Skills (or lack thereof)

I was up until one last night planning out my day. I blame it on the pregnancy. There's this thing called nesting that we childbearing women go through where we have an overwhelming need to get things ready for the baby's arrival. Which is still about 18 weeks away. But here's the thing, I have NEVER been a very organized person. I've always admired the woman (or man) that can fit every detail of their life into carefully labeled plastic bins. I don't function like that. Apparently I need chaos in order to function. I have at least five spiral notebooks laying around the house with different variations of Fire and Ice (along with my other story ideas). Sometimes (if I'm lucky) I'll stumble upon one of these magic notes and figure writing stuff out, other times (more often than not) I'll spend a good hour tearing my house apart searching for the elusive cure to my writer's block. This is wasteful time, people. And if you have kids, you know that an hour of searching can easily turn into an all day thing.

Let's move on to the computer. I'm pretty sure I have ten different versions of Fire ans Ice saved on there. Each stage reflects my growth as a writer, but most them are not really helpful or needed.

this is why I was up until one. Because I realized the overwhelming task I have set myself on with my lack of organizing. The hole is deep. But I really want to tackle it. Not all at once, mind you. But I want to be organized by the time the baby arrives. I don't think I'll ever get to the color coordinated calendar of events organized, but I want to get to the a place for everything, everything in its place (or something like that) organized. I at least want to know where my notebooks are at all times in case inspiration strikes.

On a a side note, I don't know how present I will be over the next two weeks with Christmas and New Year's around the corner, and with my oldest at home. If I am absent, just know that I'm around and that I'll be back (read this in your best Arnold Schwarzenegger voice). Happy Holidays!


  1. I realized I did that and just started typing them together. It was nice to see that in the various locations, the story was still pretty connected. I hope you find the same and that your find your own kind of organization that makes your heart happy :)

  2. I used to have notes on pieces of paper. Inevitably, I'd lose the piece of paper I wanted (until I didn't want it). I have a slightly better filing system now - it's called OneNote :).

    Hope you get everything sorted that you want to. My sister is very much an "everything in its place person", and I am to an extent. I'm just also a "pile it here, there, and everywhere" sort of person.

  3. I'm a little organized, but I have a system. Only I know how it works... when I remember how it does!

    Happy holidays to you too! :)

  4. Ugh, I'm so unorganized when it comes to everything! I have so many versions of my story in three of my USBs, one in my notebook and five on two different computers. Good luck and Happy Holidays!

  5. There are SO MANY things I want to get organized! I don't have a baby on the way to spur me to a deadline, though. Sigh. I guess I'll have to make my own deadline. It's just never quite as effective as the baby deadline. :)

    Have an awesome Christmas!

  6. The situation with the notebooks and various computer files sounds familiar. Oh, well. Good luck!
