Monday, April 6, 2015

Monday Goals

I'm trying to get back into this blogging thing. I've been slacking for quite a while and it's time for me to get it together. So I want to start a new tradition of writing out my goals (writing related) for the week, every week. Not only is it great way to set up accountability, but I like to keep track of what I'm doing week by week. Also, I joined the YA Buccaneers Spring Bootcamp to help motivate me. So here goes for this week:

1. Revise five pages. Not a lot, but seriously, with me moving around scenes, and changing plot points, five pages is a lot.

2. Work on a new project. And this can be either writing down a scene, or outlining

3. Read something. I find it helpful to have a distraction on hand when I get stuck.

You guys have any goals for the week?

1 comment:

  1. Right now I'm in the middle of the A to Z Blog Challenge. I'm trying to comment on as many posts as I can. I'm hoping the uptick in traffic on my blog will translate into interest in my collection of short stories. I'd like to start a new novel, but I'm not sure if I will have time until May. Good luck on meeting your goals!
