Monday, April 14, 2014

Spring Bootcamp Check-In


Another week down! I got my fifty pages done. It did take until Sunday, but oh well. There wasn't whole lot I needed to fix up, mainly a few name changes because I added a character and got rid of another and changed the sexes of a couple as well. I also revised as I wrote the first half of the draft so it's not too sloppy. As i get closer to the middle it's going to get tougher and I'll have to clean up a few plot points that don't work anymore, and add another main point I hadn't earlier.

Goal for this week: Revise 50 more pages!


  1. WOW. That's a success--fifty revised pages! Way to go.

  2. Yay, congrats on 50 more revised pages! Good luck with your revisions this week. :D

  3. Hooray! So glad you met your goal. Good luck next week!
