Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What's Up Wednesday

What's Up Wednesday is a weekly meme geared toward readers and writers, allowing us to touch base with blog friends and let them know what's up, put on by Jamie Morrow and Erin Funk. If you'd like to join click on the links above!
What I'm Reading:
Or rereading. I finished The Scorpio Races last night for the second and was once again struck by the beauty of the story. Even though in my head I know Thisby is not a real island, in my heart it is. Can you imagine a world where water horses rose from the sea once a year, not just any horses, but wild creatures with a thirst for blood and unprecedented speed and strength? The prose landed me straight on that island, I could picture everything perfectly and I fell in love with Puck and Sean once again.

What I'm Writing:
Still working on Restoring Casey. I got more feedback and am tweaking the first fifty to help pick the pace up and bring the inciting incident forward. I'm excited, even though it's going to take a little bit of time and work. I also might have started a new project...maybe...possibly. Or definitely. I love it thus far and can't wait to see where the story takes me. As a pantser I had no idea what I was doing in the beginning, I just had a voice nagging in my head and I knew I had to write it down. I love the process of writing.

What Inspires Me Right Now:
Maggie Stiefvater. After reading the Scorpio Races again and also starting The Raven Boys in preparation for Dream Thieves, I can't but help be inspired by her writing. I don't know if I'll be as good as her, but I truly enjoy reaping the benefits of all her hard work.

What Else I've Been Up To:
So the football season has started...I'm not sure if you've noticed and I'm trying to survive. I don't hate football at all, but it's not all that interesting to me. My husband, on the other hand, is like a walking sports caster with his vast knowledge of all things sports and football is his favorite so there's lots of it in our house. We live in a college town and football season is BIG. I get into every so often, it is fun to attend the games and eat all that fattening food, but it wears me out. I grew up in a house where sporting events were limited to ice skating and gymnastics so marrying a sports nut has taken some time to get used to. All in all I hope everyone has fun with the season and maybe even I can learn to more than tolerate it.


  1. I must get THE SCORPIO RACES sometime soon. I've said something like this a billion times (okay, that's an exaggeration--a million times!) but so many people love it, it must be worth reading!

    All the best with your WiP this week, Prerna! :)

  2. Good luck surviving the football season.

    I'm inspired by so many other writers. I try not to compare myself to them, but it's so hard. I just want to be the best I can be, you know?

    Have a wonderful week!

    1. thanks! and i'm very inspired by other writers. and comparison is inevitable, i just have to remind myself i have my own style, my own voice, and strengths.

  3. I really liked THE SCORPIO RACES, but I had the hardest time imagining the horses being carnivorous. I'm a biologist, so that totally threw me. RAVEN BOYS I adored! (And I'm reading it again too in advance of the release) :)

    I think I dodged a bullet with the whole football thing. I've dated guys in the past that liked football and it almost killed me. I want to BE OUTSIDE doing things, not watching other people doing things on T.V. Seriously, I feel your pain.(And now I'm sure I will be pelted with foam fingers for admitting it):)

    Congrats on your progress with Restoring Casey. It's so fun to be excited about a project.

    Hope you have a great week! :)

    1. haha, yeah, carnivorous horses is out there, but i love the mythology behind it and her interpretation of kelpies. thanks for the support in regards to football season. I will survive.

  4. I've not heard of TSR I will have to check it out.

    I love a new story coming to me it is always fun.

    1. yes, please do. and new stories are always filled with so much excitement and adventure.

  5. I am about to start a reread of THE RAVEN BOYS too! And TSR is actually the book that got me hooked on Stiefvater. LOVE her writing! She IS an inspiration!

    Good luck surviving the football season. I do enjoy it, but I can imagine it must suck if you don't. I hope you have a great weekend! And yay for the pantsing writing process! Good luck with the SNI!

    1. yay, Raven Boys reread! I'm glad you are also a Stiefvater enthusiast :). I like football when I'm watching in real life, but the whole tv thing just isn't for me.

  6. Haha, am I the only one who loves football? I'm looking forward to the Seahawks/49-ers game on Sunday!

    I'm still mired it the moving process... building screens today to prevent the cat & dog from escaping out the ground-level windows...

    1. I know plenty of ladies that love football, I'm just not one of them. My husband hasn't given up on me, though, so maybe one day I'll be as excited as you. Hope things settle down for you soon and you can get into comfortable routine. Moving is always hard.

  7. I've never heard of the Scorpion Races ... I will definitely add that to my list.

    Best of luck with football season ... ours has just started in the UK too (soccer in the states). It's massive here and game nights are almost impossible to sit in a pub for date night. I've learnt a lot though in my short time as a football gf!

  8. Wow, I want to reread The Scorpio Races now. What a fantastic, atmospheric book. And yay for a shiny new idea!

  9. Good luck with your edits. It'll take time, but at least you know what to do. I'm sort of a hybrid pantser/plotter. I do a very pantsed first draft and then do a detailed outline for rewrite/revisions.

    I love Maggie Stiefvater, and I love all the love she's getting this week. I can't wait for Tuesday!

  10. Stiefvater is amazing. I'd like to read more of her books.

    Happy writing.
