Friday, May 24, 2013

Five for Friday

1. I cannot reiterate how important breaks are. I took a week off from everything while my in-laws were in town and when I got back to the writing thing, well...the words burst out of me. AH-MAH-ZING.

2. On the reading front things aren't going so smoothly. I've read one mediocre book after another the last couple of weeks. The last really great book I read was Torched. I can't tell you how fun that book was. A trip to the library is long over due.

3. It's Memorial Day weekend and I'm trying to think of something fun to do. The husband wants to go camping but I have churchy things I need to be there for on Sunday. I'm sure we'll figure something out. If nothing else we'll go to the mall and check out some sales (if I have it my way).

4. Okay, so the Husband and I are totally addicted to playing Words With Friends (also known as scrabble, but for some reason isn't). I definitely get why Alec Baldwin was kicked out of that plane now.

5. With all the craziness going on in the world right now, I'm holding my loved ones even closer to me. After the recent tragedy in Oklahoma I can't help but think that could have easily been us, or anyone for that matter. My thoughts and prayers are with them during this very difficult time.

I hope you have a safe and fun weekend with the people that matter to you most.


  1. We thought about going camping this weekend, too, but put it off because the weather isn't supposed to be good. We'll probably end up going to the mall, too. Have a great weekend!

  2. Enjoy your long weekend. I'm definitely going to spend it with my little guy and big guy!

  3. I'm glad you got back to writing! I can certainly empathize with having the inlaws around and losing "me" time. :D

  4. Enjoy your weekend! Yes, it is time to spend time with loved ones.

    Well done with your writing.

    All the best!
