Wow, every time I think I'm getting back on track with the writing and blogging thing, I fall behind. Maybe I should stop giving myself so much credit.
The last little while has been productive, though, so there is that. I'm pretty much done with revisions and I have another idea simmering at the back of my mind. I think the only way I'll get through to the end and move on forward is holding myself accountable and blogging helps in that aspect because writing down my goals and publishing them to the world is a great way to be accountable, not just to myself but to everyone out there in the blogosphere. (Sorry for the long winded sentence.)
So, I'll start this Monday off with some goals:
- Revise two chapters (only a few left!)
- Read that book you've been wanting to forever but keep putting off with lame excuses
- Start an outline for new book idea!
How are all of you doing? Did anyone participate in NaNo (Only hours left until it's over!)?
Good goals! I did try Nano this year, for the first time, and did not finish it. But I got a lot done, so I was happy!